At Namur, you will find a restaurant with the culture of Avenidas Novas, a district of Lisbon, with decades of service, adjusted to work meals or a snack at any time of the day.
Founded in 1964, it is a traditional pastry shop of reference for the Portuguese with its own production. Pastéis de nata (custard tart), travesseiros (sweet pastries), queijadas (milk tarts), bolas de Berlim (jelly doughnuts), mille-feuille, croissants, jesuites, folares (Portuguese sweet bread), and pão de azeite are some of the specialties made in what is one of the oldest pastry shops in Lisbon. At holiday time, this is one of the most sought-after bakeries, especially for its unique recipe for Bolo Rei (Christmas King’s cake).